Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Submissions- thank you
Thank you all for the fantastic submissions that the Courthouse Gallery received this year. We regret any inconvenience caused by the late replies and hope that you all got a letter in the post by now. Although we would like to support all the artists, unfortunately we had over 60 submissions and had just to programme a dozen. We have a fantastic line-up for 2009. Just watch this space for the details of upcoming shows.
We would like to thank you all for applying to the gallery and wish you all success in your artistic careers.
All the best from the Staff at the Courthouse Gallery
Weekend events at the Courthouse Gallery

Warm your winter weekend with some singing and art. You are invited to attend 2 fabulous events at the Courthouse with a Portuguese theme- Portuguese singing on the Saturday night and Sunday a talk by Anne McMahon on her photographs of Olive trees in Portugal.
Looking forward to seeing you over the weekend.
All the best,
Courthouse Gallery Staff.
Saturday night:
Enchanting rhythms of
combined with sweet, harmonious melodies sung in
Brazilian Portuguese -A ray of tropical bliss
to your Irish Winter!
Canto Brasil
Saturday 22nd November
10€ or 8€ concession
Contact: pagodeiras@yahoogroups.com
Sunday 3.30pm:
-Artist talk and reception-
Anne McMahon
Sunday, 23 November at 3.30pm
Afternoon tea and discussion with the artist at the Courthouse gallery, Ennistymon.
All welcome. Free.
See blog: ennistymoncourthousegallery.blogspot.com
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
FINOLA GRAHAM will present the first of our art appreciation discursive evenings in the Courthouse Gallery next TUESDAY , 11 NOVEMBER AT 8PM sharp. The topic for discussion in the RENAISSANCE Period and Finola will show some slides and explore and discuss some of the central themes of this creative period.
This is an ideal educational evening for the Leaving Cert art students as well as anyone interested in this magnificant period in art history.
Adults €7, unwaged 5€, students 3€.
AnneMcMahon- rescheduled artist talk
Unfortunately we have to cancel the opening reception advertised for the 6th November and we regret any inconvenience caused. However we hope that you will join us for afternoon tea on the 23rd at 3.30pm and meet the artist.